Cheick Diallo modernizes African craftsmanship
Cheick Diallo, a Malian designer, fuses traditional craftsmanship and modern materials, creating globally acclaimed upcycled furniture blending African and European styles. We met at Dak’Art 2024 Visit:
Cheick Diallo graduated from the École Supérieure d’Architecture de Rouen in 1991 and ENSCI Paris in 1994. He won first prizes from the Musée des Arts Décoratifs for his lamp Ifen and chair Rivale.
As a leader in African design, Diallo stands out for his bold choice to return to Africa instead of pursuing a career in French design. In 2004, he opened his studio in Bamako. There, he designs, produces, and advises while promoting local craftsmanship.
He works with organizations like USAID, TFO, UKAID, and Mali’s Ministry of Culture and Crafts. Diallo trains artisans and incorporates their skills into many of his creations. His commitment drives impactful design projects across the continent.
Diallo champions African craftsmanship with a modern twist. He transforms everyday objects into contemporary, innovative designs. In 2004, he founded the African Designers Association (ADA) and has served as its president ever since.
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