Interview with Malian artist Abdou Ouologuem
The Dak’Art Biennale is a major contemporary art event held every two years in Dakar, Senegal. We spoke to Abdou Ouologuem from Mali about his stunning piece Vibration.
Abdou Ouologuem, born in 1967 in Diré, Mali, is a multi-talented artist who paints, sculpts, acts, and designs sets and costumes. He mixes traditional styles with a modern twist, using materials like wood, stone, and bark, and puts a lot of care into creating unique textures and colors. His work has been featured in exhibitions around the world, including in Switzerland, the U.S., France, Japan, and Senegal. Abdou also works in theater, teaming up with famous directors like Peter Brook to design sets and costumes, and he’s earned praise for his performances in plays like “Tierno Bokar” and “A Magic Flute.”
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